要 綱
30th August 2016
Outline of
Autonomous Car Racing Association (ACRA)
Autonomous Car Racing Association (ACRA) is the
organization that oversees races of autonomous cars.
While overseeing autonomous car racing, ACRA aims to make
a contribution to society by suggesting effective technologies for
promoting the safety and travelling performance of autonomous cars in
practical perspectives.
ACRA is to be operated
by the sponsorship of individuals and corporations that are
manufacturing, selling or possessing autonomous cars or assembly kits of
them and those that are holding, managing, or operating the race tracks
for autonomous cars.
We would be very obliged if you were interested in
cooperating with us and being a sponsor.
E-mail jffek3243info@gmail.com
The autonomous car that can compete in autonomous car
races must meet the following seven requirements.
【 Seven Requirements 】
1 レース主催者によって決められた長さ、幅、高さ、それぞれの寸法以内であること。
The length, width, height of the car should be within the limitations
determined by the race organizer.
2 レース主催者によって決められた同一仕様の電池のみが全てのエネルギー源であること。
The energy source of the car should only be the
battery with the same specifications as determined by the race organizer.
3 レース主催者によって決められた走路を完全に自律走行できること。
The car should be able to run fully autonomously the
whole course determined by the race organizer.
4 レース主催者によって決められたスタート信号を完全に自律受信して走行開始できること。
The car should be able to start running fully
autonomously by receiving the starting signal determined by the race organizer.
5 レース主催者によって決められたフィニッシュ信号を完全に自律受信して走行停止できること。
The car should be able to stop running fully
autonomously by receiving the finishing signal determined by the race organizer.
6 完全に自律して衝突を回避して走行できること。
The car should be able to avoid any collision fully
7 完全に自律して常に先行する自動運転自動車を追い越し走行しようとすること。
The car should always try to pass the preceding
autonomous cars fully autonomously.